Friday, June 17, 2005

Scientologists Rejoice...

Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise getting hitched

I guess the brainwashing didn't take all that long...somewhere L.Ron Hubbard is smiling.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brainwashing is so true, she even has that look about her, I am amazed that she would go for such an old dude when she has her choice of young hotties....I believe he is looking for a host of his scientology demon seed and will dispose of her after the deed is done, he had to rid himself of that non-compliant Nicole Kidman who would not let his seed grow inside her. Is she still into scientology?? It is such a weird cult, oh, I mean religion.

1:58 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

He can have her. I don't think she's that hot buddy, not that hot.
Kidman and Cruz are much better.

7:05 AM  

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