Monday, June 06, 2005

Viva Las Vegas...

The P-1 Wild Ass Road Trip to Las Vegas/Los Angeles hits the road in just a few hours (8 to be exact as this is being written). I've always been a fan of the roadtrip, but this 18 hour excursion could be pushing it. But hey, I'm definitely not complaining...this trip should be a blast. The highlight should be the LA House Party, but I sure could do without meeting Bobby Trendy...Yeccch.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Ty,
Welcome to the blog world. I met you last year when I was a guest host on the WAC. I guess I was a big hit with Big Dick, he never invited me back!

By the way, I have a new blog also at

I'll put a link to your blog from mine.
Hope you enjoy Vegas!


9:06 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

You need to make this picture smaller so your 'side bar' comes back up the side where definition says it should be.
Have Good

10:06 AM  

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