Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Does It Really Matter?
(full story)

Evidence is mounting against Lance Armstrong that he did use some type of performance-enhancing drug during his first Tour de France win in '99. But you know what, I still don't care because I think what he has accomplished is remarkable. Remember, Armstrong was basically handed a death sentence back in 1996 when he got testicular cancer, which spread to other parts of his body. For anyone to come back from something like that to win one of the most grueling sporting events SEVEN STRAIGHT TIMES is nothing short of a miracle.

The French are still just pissed because the 'dirty American' beat them at their own sport. Shut up, Frenchy, and get back to what you do best: surrendering.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thta is classic Frenchy go surrender I'm sure Big Dick might fid taht offensive as those are his pals in the war, but good story,

3:02 PM  

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